Please note that St Mary’s Carlton-le -Moorland is not currently open due to preparations for the building work to provide a kitchen area and toilet to begin on 15th November. We will keep you posted on progress! For more please see below.
St Michael & All Angels Bassingham : St Germaine’s Thurlby
St Peter’s Aubourn with Haddington : St Peter’s Norton Disney
St Mary’s Carlton le Moorland : All Saints Stapleford
We are in an Interregnum, contact for all general enquiries related to the Withamside Parish
John Rowland Tel : 01522 788652
Associate Priest : Revd Jeff Parr. Please refer all funerals to Jeff. Tel: 01522 861863
For Baptisms, Wedding enquiries and Banns information please contact our United Parish Administrator Jane Root on 01522 788278 or email
The contacts for the six churches are as follows:-
St Peter’s Church, Aubourn: Rosina Gough 875328
St Michaels Church, Bassingham; John Rowland 788652 & Tony Davis 789365
St Mary’s Church, Carlton le Moorland: Jennie Hodgkinson 789195
St Peter’s Church, Norton Disney: John Rowland 788652
All Saints Church, Stapleford: Sandra Nelson 788213
St Germaine’s Church, Thurlby: Tony Spray 788325

The presents are given to families who cannot provide gifts for their children at Christmas.
The Christmas Tree will be up at the back of St Michael’s Church
Bassingham from Wednesday 3rd November.
Choose a tag from the tree for an age group and boy or girl.
Buy a suitable present and bring it back to church and leave it underneath the tree.
All gifts will be sorted and delivered to the Charity by the 3rd of December.
Last year this was a very successful event and we collected a lot of presents for disadvantaged families. Please help if you can.
Start the New Year with a Cuppa and a Chat
St Michael’s Church is starting its regular monthly Coffee Mornings
again from January 2022
Come and enjoy a friendly social occasion
with Coffee/Tea light refreshments and a raffle.
10-30 UNTIL 11-30 P.M.
Your Hosts are Stapleford Church
Future Dates for Your Diary
- 5th December 2021 Christingle at St Michael’s Bassingham 4pm
- Details of the Christmas Services will be published shortly
- Spring 2022 St Mary’s Carlton le Moorland Snowdrop Weekend date tbc
- August 2022 Weekend Craft Fair at St Mary’s, Carlton Le Moorland celebrating local craft and art. Date to be confirmed
St. Mary’s building project about to start!
November 2021.
It has taken just over two years for the building project to be a reality!
The £55,000 has been raised through fund raising and financial support from Withamside Parish funds. The toilet, baby changing facility and kitchenette will mean that we can offer far more to the parish and to the local community.
Our architect, Guy Forman has everything in place and our builder, Paul Mendham of Newark hopes to start in the week beginning 15th November 2021. We expect that the work will be completed by Easter 2022.
The church is now closed until the project is completed. The organ has been covered up and other important items put away to protect them from the dust. We must now be patient and look forward to exciting times ahead!
The organ is well wrapped up to protect it from dust, each pipe had to be sealed up!

The church has been stripped bare, the builders should be on site very soon.

Carlton Le Moorland Churchyard
After a very successful meeting with Liz Naeem, churchwarden at Carlton Scroop, and several residents of Carlton Le Moorland, a plan was drawn up to present to the P.C.C.
Liz has spent 25 years planting wild flowers and shrubs in the Churchyard at Carlton Scroop. A visit there in spring and early summer is thoroughly recommended.
Withamside Parochial Church Council have supported the proposal to try and plant more wild flowers and shrubs in St Mary’s Churchyard. We will be planting appropriate native species that will flower at various points in the year.
This will obviously take many years and will be a gradual and measured approach in small areas. We are seeking the help and support of other conservation projects. The churchyard will continue to be maintained in a manner that ensures it remains a place of peace and natural beauty, both put of respect for those who lie at rest in it and for the enjoyment of those who visit it. The management of the churchyard will continue to recognise its importance as a sanctuary for wild life: plants, birds and insects.
We want to involve as many people as possible, both young and old. We will put up explanatory notes and keep people informed of our progress and would welcome offers of help in the new year.
The Lincoln Orpheus Male Voice Choir, with two very talented soloists, gave an outstanding performance at St. Mary’s Church, Carlton Le Moorland on Saturday 30th October. A very appreciative audience enjoyed their varied repertoire. This was especially noteworthy as this particular evening had been delayed on two previous occasions over the past months.
This was the last concert in the church as it is now closed until Easter 2022 to allow for the long awaited building programme. When the work is completed we will have a toilet, baby changing facility and kitchenette available to churchgoers and visitors.
We hope to offer a varied programme of concerts on a regular basis to suit all tastes! These will be advertised once we have a firm completion date for the building of our new facilities.